Euphorbia Mania

I didn't exactly know I was joining a bandwagon when I decided to grow Crown of Thorns (Euphorbia Milii). All I wanted was to have plants that can withstand a lot of sunshine. Our home gets a lot of afternoon sun, especially during summer.

Anyhow, so I found later that euphorbia is the current craze. There are collectors everywhere. And I'm the newest convert. Presenting my (yet) very modest collection...

I have nine varieties, but the three have shied out and I'm still coaxing them to bloom again. One had light yellow blooms, the other, avocado green.
Euphorbia Milii loves the sun and needs very little water. (Overwatering prevents offshoots and inflorescence. Learned that the hard way.) There are over 200 varieties, most of them hybrids, propagated in Thailand.
Calling my friends in the land of Siam... hope you think of me when you see euphorbia milii. :)